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4 Ways to Reduce Plastic Waste

Plastic waste is a hot topic right now and rightfully so: we produce too much plastic and it can take thousands of years to decompose. However, we can all do our part to help the earth and we can start by reducing our plastic waste. We’ve compiled a list of our top 4 ways to reduce plastic waste that you can start today.


Bring a reusable bag for groceries

Plastic bags are non-biodegradable and they aren't required to be recycled either. It is estimated that only 1 out of 400 plastic bags are actually recycled, with the rest adding up in landfills or getting swept away into our oceans. Bring a reusable bag whenever you do your grocery shopping so you can cut down on plastic use for good!


 Recycle what you can

Once you've brought your groceries home, make sure to recycle what you can. This might be recycling bins for paper, metal and plastic products or taking the time to drop off recyclables at a nearby recycling center. Do not let your bags go to waste by dropping them in any random bin; make it easy on yourself by setting up an area for trash and recyclables.


Bring a reusable water bottle

Start bringing your own reusable water bottle with you every day. As soon as it’s empty, refill it immediately. It can be difficult to remember at first, but having a reusable water bottle with you will become second nature quickly! Plus, reducing the amount of plastic waste that is thrown away each year by one person is enough to keep 500 pounds of plastic out of landfills and oceans.


Shop with RAWS

A key aspect of reducing plastic waste is to avoid buying items that come with a lot of plastic packaging. Fortunately, you can easily do this by shopping with RAWS because we have eliminated plastics from our products and packaging!

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